Monday, October 27, 2008

Family Reunion!

We survived the 1st annual Hutchings family reunion, and I have to say it was the most pleasant family reunion I've ever been to! We had a meeting Saturday evening and decided to have it again next year. They also decided to make it a 3 day event next year instead of just 1 or 2 day's that way the ones that live further away can stay and visit longer and the other's that live close can come and go as they need because of work and taking care of farms & such. The kids had lots of fun playing with and getting to know they're cousins, I enjoyed getting to know more of the Hutchings family and Jerry enjoyed getting to visit with family that he hadn't seen in quite a while. Everyone was very welcoming and excepted me into the family with open arms. There are alot of people that don't enjoy they're family reunions, and I'm sorry to say that I have been one of those people, but it's hard to be around people (especially family) when all they want to do is talk about and run people down because that person is not doing what they think they should be for what ever reason. I love my extended family and wish everybody could just get along and enjoy the time they have with each other while they have it, hopfully in the future that will change.
Here are a few pictures from the weekend!

Family eggs toss! Nope I didn't win.

They were on a mission to find daddy long legs or in they're words "daddy yong yegs"! LOL

Cutter (4), Jaydan (4), Lilly (4) & Jazlynn (3).

Jaz trying out the see saw!

Aunt Jerrie fixing to help Jaydan roast a marshmellow! Uncle Benny in the swing.

Aunt Jerrie telling Jerry something.

My little sweety Jaz!

Gram needed a Jesse hug!

My inlaws Joe & Bobbie and of course my sweety!

Jaydan & Debbie.

Monday, October 20, 2008

A busy week.

The last couple of weeks have been pretty slow or at least it seems like it has. I didn't have a lot of things that needed to be done out side of the house so I was able to just be at home.

But this week is a different story. Jazz and I need to go pick up the wic this morning, church on Wednesday, Jesse and Jaydan have the fall carnival at school on Thursday and I need to make 2 cake's for the cake walk they will have that night. And then Friday I will be getting things ready to attend the 1st annual Hutchings family reunion on Saturday and Sunday. The reunion sounds like it will probably be fun. It is to be held at camp Wohaleto in Telephone, TX. They have cabins so I need to get sheets, blankets, pillows & towels ready to go, on top the normal things you would take on a trip, plus figure out and make whatever food I'm going to take. Jerry is going to help me out a little on the food since he is making his famous No Bake Cookies. This will be our first family trip to take since we got married. This is a very important event for Jerry's parents and they have been on a mission to make sure all 3 of they're kids and they're grand kids are going. I'm so thankful that we have the van to make this trip in!

With in a week 3 ladies told us they had dreamed we we're pregnant and 1 had dreamed that we had had a baby girl. I told Jerry that maybe it was God telling us it was time!! :) So who knows maybe we will have special news before long!!!

It looks like I'm going to be a brides maid at some point next spring. It's not official yet but Karina and Brandon may be getting married towards the end of April. I told her last night that is was neat how we had both waited so long to get married and then getting married within a year of each other. We new that when it happened for both of us that it would probably go fast because we were older and ready and we also new that we didn't want it to be a long drawn out process either. So I guess I need to be getting some things figured out for a bridal shower. It' s going to be exciting!!!!

God is so good!!!

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Me and My Honey

A little creek we found on our way to the coast!

Finally in Oregon and on our way to the Honey Moon house!!!

Waiting for our plane!

I now pronounce to you Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Hutchings!!

The kiss!!

Friday, October 17, 2008

Thank God!

I just can't thank God enough for my husband!!!
He is such a good man, a Godly man and he's MY man . I love making him laugh, just watching him smile. I love it when he comes up behind me and wraps his arms around me and kisses me on the neck or just stands there and holds me telling me how much he loves me. I love being able to share my deepest secrets with him. I love being able to be serious with him or just having a stupid moment with him and both laughing our heads off. I love having him there to work things out whether they are easy or hard.
Today I've spent the day with him, helping him get some things done at work and just spending time with him. I love him so much I can't thank God enough for the man he gave me to love and take care of.
The song "I've Got So Much to Thank Him For" come's to mind.
God is so good!!!!

This is the look momma say's he always get's when he looks at me!

Friday, October 3, 2008

We had a......

cookout here at our house for Jesse's 7th birthday and after everybody had left except my family we decided to take a couple of pictures, and these are my favorite!!!!!

We love our momma!!!
We love our dad to of course :), but he had to work that night and didn't get to be in the picture.

Susanna (11), Me, Abigail (21), JoAnna (16), Lydia (19), Damaris (9), and I'll let you guess which one is Zachariah (24). Would you say he's spoiled?

There is just nothing better than family!

God is good and I'm so BLESSED!!!!!!

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Peppy La Pew came for a visit :)

Since the weather has been so nice we have had the windows open so that we could enjoy the fall air, air out the house and cut our electric bill way down. But in doing so we also set our selves up for what happened this morning!
I woke up about 6 this morning because my father in laws 2 dogs were somewhere not far from the windows in our bed room having a fit about something, but since we have lots of squirels right here in out yard I didn't think nothing of it so I fell back asleep. About thirty minutes later I woke up because Jerry was moving around quite a bit so I asked him what was wrong but at the same time I also smelled the very strong smell of skunk that was very heavy in our room. After laying there for a few more minutes he decided to get up and close all the windows. By then it was time to get up and start getting the kids ready for school, and the smell had only faded slightly. In the midst of getting everyone ready I had told him that we probably should have left the windows open because it probably closed it up with us, since closing the windows meant no air flow now, but he just said "well I had to do something because it smelled so bad". After the kids left for school and daddy left for work I stuck my head out the door and didn't smell anymore skunk, so I opened the windows back up and the smell is pretty much gone now. lol :)
I just hope that when I went in Walmart just a little while ago that I didn't have any of the smell on me still!

My grandpa Parker cracks me up because he likes the faint smell of skunk!

God is good, be blessed!!!

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Cooler weather!!

This is my favorite time of year! The chill in the air, being able to leave the windows open and being able to spend more enjoyable time outside because it's not so stinking hot. It also makes me want to sit outside on the deck wrapped in a blanket sipping on hot tea just enjoying the morning or reading a good book. :) I don't like to freeze but I do like to be just cool enough to wrap up in a blanket.

This morning is the kind of morning that makes me remember the times when grandma and grandpa Parker would take us camping at Clayton Lake. There would be a slight chill in the air and we would wake up to grandma fixing a breakfast of bacon, eggs and fried biscuits, either on the open fire or the stove in the camper. Either way it smelled so good. Grandpa would be getting the fishing poles & boat ready or if we were at Sulfur, we would be getting ready to go swimming. Once when we were at Sulfur we had found the perfect swimming hole, nobody else was there, and it had a deep spot for swimming but it was right where the water flowed over the rocks to. We had swam for awhile and then went and ate something and then went back, well we walked back up to our spot to find a girl sitting there washing her hair and shaving her legs! Thankfully she was sitting on the over flow so it wasn't actually messing up our swimming spot, but I feel sorry for the people that were down the creek from us! I treasure those times with my grandparents!

I love the taste of grilled burgers, chicken, steak, well pretty much anything grilled. One day when I still lived at home with mom I decided to fix a treat of grilled burgers for everyone. I had not grilled before but I wanted to try it. So I bought a little table top grill and the cheap charcoal and lighter fluid from the Dollar Store, got it all put together and never could get it to burn. We had burgers anyway, they were just cooked in the house instead of out side. Well I have been wanting to try it again so I got out the big charcoal grill and this time I bought the Kingsford charcoal and lighter fluid, and this time it worked, I got it to burn and grilled chicken and potatoes, and then of course later that week I fixed us grilled burgers! yummm :) Now with this cool weather it makes me want to grill us burgers even more than I was wanting to already.

God is good, be blessed!